Since KGLL meets the definition of “non-interscholastic youth sports program” and frequently uses public school property in all divisions of play, the following policy applies to all King George Little League players, parents/guardians and approved volunteers.
a. Concussion signs and symptoms.
By Parent/Guardian/Coaching Staff
By Athlete
Appears dazed or stunned
Is confused about assignment or position
Forget sports plays
Is unsure of the game score or opponent
Double or blurred vision
Moves clumsily
Sensitivity to light
Answers questions slowly
Sensitivity to noise
Loses Consciousness
Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy
Behavior change
Concentration or memory problems
Can’t recall events prior to or after injury
Does not feel right
b. A ball player suspected by that player’s manager, coach, parent/guardian, or umpire of sustaining a concussion or brain injury in a practice or game shall be removed from the activity at that time. A player who has been removed from play, evaluated, and suspected to have a concussion or brain injury shall not return to play that same day nor until (i) evaluated by an appropriate licensed health care provider as determined by the Board of Education and (ii) in receipt of written clearance to return to play from such licensed health care provider.
All approved volunteers, parents/guardians of registered KGLL players shall adhere to this policy and complete Concussion Awareness Training annually. Additionally, all KGLL baseball and softball players league age 13 and older shall also complete the required Concussion Awareness Training annually. The Concussion Awareness Training may be satisfied in one of several ways, at the discretion of the League President and Safety Officer.
a. Complete the Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports Online Training Course offered by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and forward the completion certificate to the KGLL Safety Officer. The training is available at the CDC website, free of charge:
b. Review the National Federation of High School’s online video, "Concussion in Sports, What You Need to Know" to learn about the signs, symptoms and treatment of concussions. The video takes approximately 15 minutes and is FREE. Once completed, forward the completion certificate to the KGLL Safety Officer. To access the video, go to
c. Review, print out, and sign the Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet and submit to the League Safety Officer at registration or the team manager once the season has begun. The information sheet is available from the CDC website, and the KGLL website, click here. Copies of the information sheet will be made available during registration and will be included in the Team Manager’s Folder provided by the league. The team manager shall retain the signed forms for all players and parents/guardians and shall report completion and compliance to the League Safety Officer. The League Safety Officer shall maintain records of training completion for all KGLL approved volunteers, parents/guardians and players.